
Report writing for fundamental of computing (week 12 and 13)

 On 12th and 13th week week we worked on practical 10 which was about configuring web(apache) and FTP servers. Practical 10 We will configure the Web server and FTP server in our system(Ubuntu 20.04LTS). We will make use of the virtual machine. You can get help related to ftp command with the command <man ftp>. Note : If you get permission issues while doing the practical. Please use the concept of previous practicals and solve it. Configuring Apache Web Server What is an Apache web server? - An Apache web server is a software program that runs on a computer and makes websites accessible on the internet. It receives requests from web browsers (like Chrome or Firefox) and sends back the web pages and other files that make up a website.   Which port number is used by the Apache webserver by default? - The default port number used by the Apache web server is port 80 ( secure port for communicating with world for Apache is 443.)   1. Install the Apache webserver with th...

Report writing for fundamental of computing (week 14)

Topic G01: Client Server Architecture On the 13th week we learnt about client server architecture which was the last topic of the semester. In this topic we came to know how client-server architecture works , and its three type. We also came to know about the cloud computing and its platform or services. Introduction Client-server architecture is a network model where multiple client devices seek services from a central server. Clients enable users to request services from the server and present the server's responses. Servers, on the other hand, remain ready to receive client requests and promptly fulfill them. In a client-server architecture, every device or system within a network assumes a role as either a server or a client. Server machines are high-powered computers dedicated to managing printers, disk drives, and network traffic. Clients, on the other hand, can be any computer that seeks services from a server. For instance, when we visit a website, we are acting as clients,...

Report writing for fundamental of computing (week 11)

 Topic E02 Linux Network and Process Management. WHAT IS PROCESS IN LINUX? In Linux, a process refers to an active program, essentially an occurrence of a program that the Linux kernel is currently running. Every process is distinguished by a distinct Process ID (PID) and possesses its individual allocation of resources, including memory and CPU usage.   PROCESS ID (PID) A process ID (PID) serves as a distinctive label given to a process. PROCESS STATE   1. Running : This means the process is actively executing its code at the moment. 2. Ready : The process is prepared to run but is in a queue, waiting for its turn to utilize the         CPU. 3. Sleeping : The process is temporarily paused and is waiting for some event or another process to become accessible before it can resume. 4. Stopped : The process has been intentionally halted either by the user or by the system itself. 5. Zombie : In this state, the process has concluded its exec...

Report writing for fundamental of computing (week 10)

Fundamental of Computing DO3 On 10th week I learned about fundamental commands in Linux, basic file operations, and an introduction to the Linux file system. I also learned more advanced commands, such as those for process management, system monitoring, and package management. The explanation of the "ls -al" command and examples for interpreting its output are also taught by our lecturer. Additionally, the content briefly touched on text editors like VI or VIM, Nano, and gedit. In the second section we  discussed the Linux file system, highlighting the directory tree, pathname, and different types of files in Linux, including regular files, directories, special files, sockets, pipes, and links. And to know more , some examples are shown to illustrate practical usage scenarios for these commands and concepts Basic Command in Linux The command given below are used in Linux; ·        ls : Lists the contents of a directory. ·   ...