
Showing posts from October, 2023

Report writing for fundamental of computing (week 7)

On the 7th week sir did not taught us rather he made us to do practical 06 which was about Computer Networking Using Cisco Packet Tracer. FOC Practical 06 Computer Networking Using Cisco  Packet Tracer Simulation Installation of Packet Tracker Software 1. Go to the website 2. Click on the Login dropdown on the right-hand side and click on the Login option. 3. At the bottom of the Login page, you will see the link for Sign Up. Click on that Sign Up link. 4. You will see a page like that given below. Fill out the details and click on Register. Note : Give a valid email address. It can be a college or personal email address. Please take note of the password. You will need it later on to use it. 5. Once you complete the registration, you will get an email in your registered email address to Activate Account. Open the email and click on the Activate Account button. 6. When you click the Activate Account button, you will get the page given below. Some of the...

Report writing for fundamental of computing (week 6)

Topic C02: Network  Protocols Network protocols are like set of rules that devices in a network follow to communicate with each other. They break down big tasks into smaller ones and work together to get things done. Its like a team effort.   It plays an important role is DIGITAL COMMUNICATIONs.   Application Layer It is a crucial component of the OSI model, serving as the interface btw end-user software and the network. It enables software to communicate and present data to users. Some notable application layer protocols include: 1.HTTP(Hypertext Transfer Protocol) -it is used for web browsing. 2.FTP(File Transfer Protocol) -it enables the transfer of files btw devices or servers 3.DNS(Domain Name System) -it converts domain name into IP addresses, making web addressing user-friendly. 4.SMTP(Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) -It is responsible for sending emails. 5.POP(Post Office Protocol) -It allows email clients to retrieve  a messages from a mail server. 6.Telnet -...

Report writing for fundamental of computing (week 5)

Topic C01   On the 5th week we looked into Topic C01 which is about network models. This topic consist of  some objectives such as describing OSI model, describing TCP/IP's layered Architecture, explaining network protocols and explaining IP addressing v4 and v6. In network model it mainly talks about network protocols and layers of network. There are 7 layers of OSI(detailed explanation in the content) such as Application, presentation, session, transmission, network, data-link, and physical layer. This 7 layers are broadly classified as host and media layer. Then we looked on TCP/IP model and some protocols. Content Network Model/ Protocol what is protocol? - A protocol is a set of rules that governs the communication between computers and networks. - It also guide us to regulate some network related works such as accessing method, types of cabling and allowed physical topologies.   Types of model (two popular ones and both are based on layering concepts) OSI reference ...